IntaHub API

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Master Data

Master data refers to the core and most important information that a business relies on for its operations. It typically includes critical details about customers, products, suppliers, and other key entities. Master data serves as a foundational reference, ensuring consistency and accuracy across various systems and processes within an organization


An order is a formal request or instruction made by a customer or entity to purchase goods or services from a supplier or vendor. It typically includes details such as the specific items or services requested, quantities, prices, delivery dates, and any other relevant terms and conditions.


Post refers to sharing content, thoughts, or messages on various platforms, such as social media, forums, or blogs, to communicate information, ideas, or updates with an audience.


Production involves the process of creating goods or services through a systematic approach that encompasses manufacturing, operations, and management to efficiently bring a product to market.


A transaction purchase refers to the process of acquiring goods or services by exchanging money or other forms of payment. It typically involves a buyer selecting a product or service, initiating the purchase, and completing the financial transaction with the seller.


Reservations involve securing or holding a spot, seat, or service in advance, ensuring availability or priority for an activity, accommodation, or resource at a specified time or place.