Change current date
How to Change current date
Click on Settings > Change Current Date. (ALT + F2 )
Financial year settings
New financial year
Click on Settings > Financial Year > New.
This is for adding new financial year. A new financial year can be saved only if all active financial years are closed. After entering new financial year click on "Save"
Edit financial year
Click on Settings > Financial Year > Edit.
This is for changing period of existing financial year. Only period of active financial year can be changed here. After entering the period click on "Save" to save the changes
Change financial year
Click on Settings > Financial Year > Change
This is for changing current working financial year. Here all financial years of company are listed from where user can select one. After selecting a financial year current financial year will be changed to this year
Close financial year
Click on Settings > Financial Year > Close.
This is for closing active financial year. Transactions cannot be done in a closed financial year but user can open a closed financial year if they want to do so. Confirmation is asked before closing a financial year