Location: Salary Voucher
This window supports to filter the Employees Code, Employee Name, Basic Salary, Food Charges, Function Deduction, Mobile Allowances-Dialog, Internet Charges, Seasonal Allowance, Fixed Allowances, Test, Factory-Basic, Factory-Attendance Bonus, Allowances, Factory-Fixed allowance, Factory-Loan deduction, Factory-Allowances, Commission, Loan, Welfare, Leave Allowance, Diesel Allowance, Transportation, Sales Commission, Bonus, Deduction, Allowance, LOP, ETF, Com. EPF, Emp. EPF, OT, Salary and Status using Designation, Date, Month and Employee Code parameters.
Using the Pending and Approved ratio options user can approve or keep pending the Salary Voucher.
Narration text area supports to enter any kind of information relevant to Salary Voucher.
Under the Salary Voucher table system displays the Total and Paying Total.